Dr. Michael Viola

Post-grad TRAINING: 

A biodynamic view of osteopathy in the cranial field (Phases 1-9) ; A BIODYNAMIC VIEW OF THE MICROBIOME GUT-BRAIN AXIS & IMMUNE FUNCTION IN ADULTS & CHILDREN


- B. Medical Science, Latrobe
- B. Applied Science (Comp. Med), RMIT
- Master of Osteopathy, RMIT

Michael is the principle osteopath and founder of Move Osteo. He grew up in Heidelberg, attended St. Johns primary school and played football for the Banyule Bears. It was a great opportunity for him to return to service the community with one of his greatest passions...osteopathy!

Michael has been an osteopath for over sixteen years, and enjoys treating people of all ages- for all types of complaints. He is passionate about working with his patients in order to achieve their goals, as well as providing strategies to improve their wellbeing. 

Michael enjoys using the full spectrum of osteopathic techniques, specifically with the biodynamic approach. Treatment style and preference will always be discussed with his patients prior to commencing.

Away from the clinic, Michael is also a Tutor and Clinical Educator at RMIT university. He enjoys relaxing with his wife and four kids, getting outdoors and dabbling in a little music production.